Fishing Boat Infos for fish lover

For those who would like to fish around Batam, here are some information that I gathered from friends at which you can use for contact, boarding place, price and fishing location.
note: Jembatan 6 is the 6th connecting bridge from Batam to Pulau Galang Baru, which is the southest island from Batam, and provide mostly big catch (some with Fish finder).

1. Joe, Jembatan 6, hp. 0819 271 00 999, day Rp.700k, night Rp.800k, cap. 6-8
2. Amri, Punggur, hp. 08566166765, Rp.450k + live prawns 2Kg, cap. 5 max
3. Ahi, Punggur, hp. 0811699005, Rp.3million, fish around Nongsa
4. Atie - Abu, Jembatan 6, hp. 0771-314245 , Rp.1.8million, P.Terong, around P.Abang
5. Bahari, Jembatan 6, hp. 081927158000, Rp.2.5million, around P.Buaya
6. Basir, Jembatan 6, hp. 081927183921
7. Ahiap, Jembatan 6, hp. 08126162594, Rp.800k, around P.Abang
8. Kadir, Jembatan 6, hp. 085264584283
9. Eddy Turi, Nongsa, hp. 081364081565, Rp.400k, around Nongsa, cap. 4 max
10.Amad, Jembatan 2, hp.081364323366, Rp. 300k, cap. 4 max
11.Karim, Jembatan 2, hp. 081316363169, Rp. 300k, cap. 4 max
12.Ponto, Jembatan 6, hp. 0819237604, day Rp.500k, night Rp.700k with live squid baits, around P.Petong, P.Abang, P.Tukil (recommended)
13. Lodeh, Jembatan 1, hp. 081372466209, Rp.400k (nego), Lobam, cap. 4 max
14.Jafar, Jembatan 1, hp. 08126174252, price TBC
15.Acai, hp. 081927006334, Rp. 1.5million, around Cakang
16.Asung, hp. 08556555511, Rp.2million, around Cakang
17. Gofur, hp. 081927120212, Rp.600k, around Petong
18.Johan, hp. 08566613100, Rp.500k, around Nongsa
19.Kadir, hp. 081927007203, Rp.600k, around Petong
20.Kembong, hp. 081364277522, Rp.600k, around Petong
21.Kemis, hp. 087894417741 / 081933644591, Rp.700k, around Tukil and Petong
22.Nasrul, hp. 085668187699, Rp.1million, around Lagoy, Bintan
23.Udin, hp. 081364120165, Rp.500k, around Nongsa
24.Rusli, hp. 085272068845, Rp.500k, around Petong
25.Arsad, Pulau Nguan, hp. 08192646186, Rp.600k-Rp.700k, around P.Petong and P.Abang, cap. 5 (recommended)
26.Kaer, Pulau Nguan, hp. 081927113389, around P.Buaya and Batu Lobang, Rp.2.5million
27.Muhding, Batu Besar, hp. 081364120165, around Lobam-Bintan, with GPS and Fishfinder
28.Johan, Batu Besar, hp. 08566613100, around Lobam-Bintan, with GPS and Fishfinder
29.Brian, Pulau Nguan, hp. 081922622202, around P.Nguan and P. Abang


BatamFish - all about fishing in Batam

Want to know information of fishing spots, fishing techniques, or any fishing event or gathering in Batam?

Or maybe, you want arrange a fishing trip which is fair priced, good size catch or maybe just want to know about information on fishing boat rent and contact for deep sea fishing?

At BatamFish, we will provide all the information you want to know about all the listed above.

Please visit for further details.


Interior Designer and Contractor

Ibios is the interior design company specialise in residential interior design and commercial design in Batam, Indonesia. Here at Ibios, we provide services from initial design until the complete project handover. Ibios is wellknown for its creativity in designs and placed quality above everything no matter how big or small the project is. From design to completion, customer will be given the best from our designers and carpenters. Please spend some time and browse through our website at to see our finished project.

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MM Playgroup and Kindergarten, 10th Anniversary Show

Miki Mini Playgroup and Kindergarten will be hosting a stage show at Batam City Square (BCS Mall) on 21 May 2009, from 2pm in celebrating their 10th anniversary. New registration on spot, will have a 25% off for registration fee. And on top of that, you can also have a chance to draw a lucky draw for Gifts and Scholarship (limited only for first 50 registrants).

The students will perform traditional and modern dances, cheerleading, singing, lion dance, poem reading, and cat walks. And visitors will have a change to win prizes in games to be played along with their children.

Don't miss this event. Bring along your children and get a free gift.
And also don't forget to tuned in to Batam FM 100.7 at 17 May 2009, 09.00 - 10.00 AM, Dunia Anak...for our students live performances on air.


PLN acting up again

It was just about a week ago when PLN claimed that they won't let Batam be blacken out again after consecutively 3 days of power cut-off of 2 times a day, and 3 to 6 hours each time. The reason was, ironically for an oil and gas producer province, not enough gas supplied to powered up the machine.

But today, 16 May 2009, power was cut off again for around 3 hours and in the newspaper it said that PLN will have to cut electric off again on 23rd to 25th of May 2009. Their excuse this time, it was due to maintenance done by PGN (National Gas Company).

Free Trade Zone....sigh....


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